There Came an Echo – Voice activated RTS starring Wil Wheaton

I’M SORRY LINUS I WAS KIDDING! In all seriousness though this game looks exciting – this is why I like games in the Indie booth… Also – for those wondering… Yup – that’s the voice of Nocturne!

Our PAX East 2014 Intel Sponsor Info + Giveaways!:

A special Thank you to Corsair as well!

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Top 10 Best Movies Based on a TV Series

Time to put a fresh spin on those beloved classics. In this video, counts down our picks for the top 10 best movies based on a TV series. For this list, we’re looking at live-action film remakes or reboots of TV series that did justice to the source material, and that are not considered a continuation of the shows in question. That means they don’t feature the original cast members, unless it’s in a different role than they originally played or in a small cameo.

Special thanks to our users sarahjessicaparkerth, Ruston BlackBatman Henry, DoctorXander, Awesome One, Andrew A. Dennison, Erica Jones, Mattyhull1 and Chance Ellison for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at!

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الحلقة 881: كيف تشتري كرت شاشة ومن الافضل ATI او NVIDIA

آخر المواضيع التي تطرقت اليها :
الحلقة880:مالاتعرفه عن ازمة سوق الشغل في ميدان المعلوميات بالمغرب وكيف تجد فرصتك

الحلقة879: هل يمكن الإستغناء تماما عن إستعمال ويندوز والإنتقال إلى لينكس ؟

الحلقة877:كيف تتجاوز مشكلة إضعاف شركات الإتصال عنوة لصبيب تحميل التورنت وتسريع هذا الاخير

الحلقة876:مراجعة جهازK2B3LOG يستطيع ان يتجسس على كل ماتكتبه على الحاسوب لسنوات ولايكتشفه اي برنامج حماية في العالم

الحلقة875:تعرف على البرامج الغير ضرورية التي تطول مدة إقلاع الحاسوب وقم بتعطيلها (تسريع إقلاع الويندوز)

الحلقة 874:نصائح لكي يتم قبول تسجيلك في جوجل ادسنس وبسرعة

الحلقة873: ربح المال من برمجة تطبيقات اندرويد دون الحاجة إلى ان تكون مبرمج

الحلقة872: شاب عبقري (18سنة) يبتكر لغة برمجية ستسهل على العديد البرمجة بلغة الدارجة المغربية

الحلقة871:تعرف على خطورة ملف thumbs.db في حاسوبك

الحلقة870: تعرف على التقنيات التي تستخدمها الدول من اجل منع مواطنيها من ولوج بعض المواقع

الحلقة869: كيف يمكن للشرطة ان تستخرج جميع بيانات الهاتف حتى وإن حذفت بإستخدام التحقيق الجنائي الرقمي وجرب بنفسك !

الحلقة868:أحصل إلى حدود ساعة مجانية من الإتصال متجددة لمدة 3 اشهر

الحلقة867:كيف يتم إختراق حساب فيسبوك والتجسس عليه دون معرفة الباسورد

الحلقة866:كيف تستخرج الصور من الڤيديوهات بجودة عالية (كما لو إلتقطتها بعدستك)

الحلقة865: كيف تحمي حسابك على الجيميل من ان يخترق عبر الإيملات التي تتضمن صور

الحلقة864 شروحات ومفاهيم خاطئة عن الويندوز إنتبه ان تتطبقها على حاسوبك

الحلقة863: ماهي الـ Ghost Drivers وكيف تحذفها من الويندوز من اجل تسريعه

الحلقة862:إليك 4 اسباب جعلتك تفشل في ربح المال من الانترنت

أحصل على نسختك المدفوعة مجانا من برنامج إسترجاع الملفات الشهير recuva

الحلقة860:كيف تكشف عن البروفايلات المزورة في حسابك على الفيسبوك بسرعة مع Fakeoff

الحلقة859: إفحص البروسيس في حاسوبك ب 46 أنتي ڤايرس دفعة واحدة واكتشف الإختراق

الحلقة858:كيف تسترجع آخر البرامج التي اغلقتها عن طريق الخطأ بسرعة من خلال ازرار الكيبورد

الحلقة857:هل بالفعل هناك مايسمى بـ تسريب لاسرار الاجهزة الالكترونية قبل صدورها على الانترنت؟

الحلقة856: طريقة تفكيك الحاسوب المحمول (اللابتوب) بطريقة سليمة

Aztez – Black, White, and Blood PAX East 2014 UPDATE

Aztez is a game I have been waiting for on the edge of my seat since the moment I saw it at PAX Prime 2013 – The art style of the game is incredibly attractive and the idea of the combination of a brawler and a strategy game just seems so amazing… I’m excited!

The original Pax Prime 2013 Overview Video :

Our PAX East 2014 Intel Sponsor Info + Giveaways!:

A special Thank you to Corsair as well!

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Attack of the B-Team #8 | ماينكرافت: هجوم البي تيم – المقلب الخربان

Thank you for watching ♥ شكراً على المشاهدة
– لا تنسى تقيم المقطع بـــ لايك و مفضلة و تشترك في قناتي اذا كنت مو مشترك يا مزه :$
●قناتي الخاصة بالالعاب
●حسابي بانستقرام
●حسابي بتويتر
●الحلقة الماضية

●لتحميل المود باك
♥انصحك تشتري من استضافة الابداع لانها ممتازه مع كود تخفيض خاص لكم
استضافة الابداع:
كود تخفيض بنسبه
%10: Fir4sGamer
في حال عندك استفسارات تواصل مع الدعم الفني:
تويتر الاستضافة:
قناة الاستضافة:
قنوات العيال
مشاري :
ياسر :

تبعني على
●قناة البث المباشر :
● الفيس بوك حقي :
● قويقل بلس :

Attack of the B-Team
attack of the b team
هجوم البي تيم

12 Best Long Takes in Film History

There’s no greater statement of a director’s prowess than a long shot in a single take. And these are 12 of the most masterful. Subscribe:

What do you think? What do you think we left out? Any guesses as to which of these 12 movies cheated, and pieced together multiple shots for their “long takes?”

Let us know in the comments!


The Protector – Restaurant Fight Scene
Director: Prachya Pinkaew
Synopsis: A young fighter named Kham must go to Australia to retrieve his stolen elephant. With the help of a Thai-born Australian detective, Kham must take on all comers, including a gang led by an evil woman and her two deadly bodyguards.
Running time: 4 minutes

The Mirror – Burning Barn Scene
Director: Andrei Tarkovsky
Synopsis: A dying man in his forties remembers his past. His childhood, his mother, the war, personal moments and things that tell of the recent history of all the Russian nation.
Running time: Roughly 1 minute

Atonement – The Beach Sequence
Director: Joe Wright
Synopsis: Fledgling writer Briony Tallis, as a 13-year-old, irrevocably changes the course of several lives when she accuses her older sister’s lover of a crime he did not commit. Based on the British romance novel by Ian McEwan.
Running Time: 5 1/2 minutes

Weekend – Traffic Jam Scene
Director: Jean-Luc Godard
Synopsis:A supposedly idyllic weekend trip to the countryside turns into a never-ending nightmare of traffic jams, revolution, cannibalism and murder as French bourgeois society starts to collapse under the weight of its own consumer preoccupations
Running time: 7 Minutes

Hard Boiled – Hospital Shootout
John Woo
Synopsis: A tough-as-nails cop teams up with an undercover agent to shut down a sinister mobster and his crew.
Running Time: 2 minutes, 40 seconds

The Player – Opening Shot
Director: Robert Altman
Synopsis: A Hollywood studio executive is being sent death threats by a writer whose script he rejected – but which one?
Running Time: 7 minutes, 47 seconds

Touch of Evil – Bomb Sequence
Director: Orson Welles
Synopsis: A stark, perverse story of murder, kidnapping, and police corruption in a Mexican border town.
Running Time: 3 1/2 minutes

Boogie Nights – Little Bill Sequence
Director: Paul Thomas Anderson
Synopsis: The story of a young man’s adventures in the Californian pornography industry of the late 1970s and early 1980s.
Running Time: 3 minutes

Gravity – Opening Shot
Director: Alfonso Cuarón
Synopsis: A medical engineer and an astronaut work together to survive after a catastrophe destroys their shuttle and leaves them adrift in orbit.
Running Time: 12 1/2 minutes

Goodfellas – Copacabana Lounge
Director: Martin Scorsese
Synopsis: Henry Hill and his friends work their way up through the mob hierarchy.
Running Time: 3 minutes, 13 seconds

Snake Eyes – Boxing Match
Director: Brian De Palma
Synopsis: A shady police detective finds himself in the middle of a murder conspiracy at an important boxing match in an Atlantic City casino.
Running Time: 12 minutes

Children of Men – Car Scene
Director: Alfonso Cuarón
Synopsis: In 2027, in a chaotic world in which women have become somehow infertile, a former activist agrees to help transport a miraculously pregnant woman to a sanctuary at sea.
Running Time: 4 minutes

Our friends over at IndieWire put together some seriously inspired MOVIE LISTS: and CineFix is bringing ’em to life!

Do We Really Need FOUR Divergent Movies?? – CineFix Now

Lionsgate says the final novel in the “Divergent” trilogy will be TWO movies. Because that’s what all the cool kids are doing. Subscribe:

The Divergent movie series will conclude with Allegiant Part 1 and Allegiant Part 2. Ostensibly, because the final novel is so action-packed. Except, it isn’t. What IS action-packed, however, is Lionsgate’s anticipated box-office returns.

Making multiple movies of one book has been a tradition since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, back in 2010. Since then, pretty much every YA-novel based film series with a splitting of the final book into two movies. Some of those adaptations have landed pretty well, but if this strategy is going to flop, we’re guessing it’ll be with the Allegiant duo.

Are you a fan of single books being made into multiple movies? Want a chance to win a free copy of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Limited Edition Collector’s Gift Set? 
Well you have until April 15th to enter our 8-Bit Hobbit contest!

-Design an 8-Bit sprite of your favorite Hobbit character and submit it using this link:

What do you think of this split sequel trend? Do you think the producers should have split a different book in Harry Potter, Twilight, or the Hunger Games into two movies? Have you seen Divergent? Do you think it deserves 2 sequels or 3 (or none?)

Let us know in the comments below!

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