2013 End of the Year Drift Special! – Ignition Ep. 97

On this episode of Ignition, we look back at some of the best sideways tire-smoking moments from this 2013 season! We’re taking a break for the holidays, but we’ll be back in the new year for Season 3. Stay tuned!

Ignition appears every Monday on the Motor Trend youtube channel. http://www.youtube.com/motortrend

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Minecraft: Kings OF Evil Map – ماينكرافت : ملوك الشر #1

Thank you for watching ♥ شكراً على المشاهدة
– لا تنسى تقيم المقطع بـــ لايك و مفضلة و تشترك في قناتي اذا كنت مو مشترك يا مزه :$
– لتحميل الماب

قنوات الشباب:
ياسر : http://www.youtube.com/du7aim2314
هيرو : http://www.youtube.com/xSAHERO

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●قناة البث المباشر :
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● تابعني على انستقرام : http://instagram.com/FirasAlJuhani
● الفيس بوك حقي : http://full.sc/U5aprE
● قويقل بلس : http://full.sc/11BGGuY
● اسك اف ام : http://ask.fm/iFir4sGamer

Handy Tech Under $100 Episode 1

Here’s something a little new. This triple unboxing shows off three different items in one video:

1. Sennheiser HH-10 Headphone Stand
2. IntoCircuit Power Castle PC26000 Battery Bank
3. Antec 4-Port USB Charging Station

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Pricing & availability: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/89161-handy-tech-under-100-where-to-buy/

Join our community forum: http://bit.ly/ZkLvE7


Intro Screen Music Credit: Adhesive Wombat – Check out his channel here: http://youtube.com/adhesivewombat

Outtro Screen Music Credit: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana

2013 Buick Encore – Redline: Review

A tiny footprint, spacious cabin, and surprising driving dynamics will surely impress any shopper who has yet to see what the Buick brand has available. The 2013 Encore is certainly a strong and unique offering in a class that will surely get more crowded in the coming years. Only a lack of few premium features and perhaps more power hold it back from being the best-in-class offering; but, those of you who need a small premium utility vehicle should place the Encore high on your list.

The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot – Castle Advice for Viewers Episode 114

The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot!
I help viewers by going over their castle and offering my advice on what I like and dislike. If you want me to do your castle contact me at frenzycastleruns@hotmail.com with your in game name.

Want to check the status of your request to do viewer castles? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsmovrTwSMGodGVmNF9TaG1SODVhWkRBdWVodkdTSFE#gid=0

Castles done in this video:

The mighty quest for epic loot is currently in closed beta, find out more info here:

SteamOS: How to Install & Demo

Click to Subscribe! http://bit.ly/SubAustin

My SteamOS install tutorial and gameplay demo!

Download SteamOS: http://store.steampowered.com/steamos/buildyourown

When you get to the Terminal step, enter this command: ~/post_logon.sh

Now that Valve has released Steam OS it’s possible for you to build your own Steambox / Steam Machine with a custom PC. You will need an Nvidia graphics card, a 64-bit ready AMD or Intel processor and at least 4GB of RAM. It’s a bit of a complicated install process however this tutorial walks through it step by step as well as giving a demo of gameplay with Metro: Last Light and Left 4 Dead 2.

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XCOM Enemy Within Ironman Impossible – Part 6

My playthrough of XCOM Enemy Within on Impossible Ironman, XCOM Is very difficult on impossible so I’ll be taking my time but also going after as much meld as I can safely get my hands on, enjoy!

XCOM: Enemy Within is the expansion to the 2012 Game of the Year award-winning strategy game XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Enemy Within adds an incredible array of new abilities, upgrades and weapons to combat new enemy and alien threats. This expansion also introduces new maps and missions, new tactical and strategic gameplay, and new multiplayer content providing a fresh new gameplay experience.