The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot – Castle Advice for Viewers Episode 117

The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot!
I help viewers by going over their castle and offering my advice on what I like and dislike. If you want me to do your castle contact me at with your in game name.

Want to check the status of your request to do viewer castles?

Castles done in this video:

The mighty quest for epic loot is currently in closed beta, find out more info here:

Damien vs The Xenomorphs

The office gets together to debate which monsters are better. Today’s lineup…. Damien vs the Xenomorphs. Who will win?!!! TUNE IN AND FIND OUT! Subscribe:

What do you think of the Cinefix Monster Madness lineup? Did your favorite monster make the cut? Who do you think will win? Who did we miss out on?

Let us know in the comments below!

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For the next two weeks we are celebrating Monster Madness in honor of the Cinefix’s Original Monster Films that are coming out for the holiday season. Make sure you stayed tuned for our monster packed line up full of debates, fun facts, things you probably didn’t know, the three part Fear Force Five from the director of Mega-Shark VS. Giant Octopus and much much more!!!

5 Monsters That Had to Get Different Jobs

Find out what old-school movie monsters are up to these days. Please watch, they
could really use a boost :/ SUBSCRIBE:

Think you got it rough? Try finding work when you’re a washed-up carnivorous
blob from outer space. Or a giant fire-breathing lizard with emphysema. Or
Freddy Krueger, with “20 years of murdering teens” on his résumé.

It’s Monster Madness here on Cinefix, so make sure to check out the meeting to decide our lineup of head to head battles here:

What do you think of the first of our Monster themed Cinefix Original Movie? Do you want to see more original scripted stuff from us?

Let us know in the comments below!

Want to know what’s going on with Cinefix in the future?
Follow us Twitter for updates:

Oh and we’re on The Facebook:

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Sticky Pork Ribs – Gordon Ramsay

We hope you’ve been enjoying Gordon’s recent recipes – this recipe for spicy sticky pork is perfect this time of year and a great dish for Christmas dinner parties or New Year’s Eve.

Subscribe for weekly recipe videos.

If you liked this video check out Gordon’s other channels: