On this episode of Ignition, Carlos Lago tests the wonderfully capable Panamera 4S. This year Porsche replaced the naturally aspirated 4.8-liter V-8 in the standard and S model Panameras with a twin-turbo 3.0-liter V-6 (the GTS retains the V-8). This new engine makes more power and torque than the outgoing one and returns better fuel economy, but does it have the same excitement as the V-8? We find out by exploring the always impressive performance limits of this luxury sedan.
Ignition appears every Monday on the Motor Trend youtube channel. http://www.youtube.com/motortrend
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The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot!
I help viewers by going over their castle and offering my advice on what I like and dislike. If you want me to do your castle contact me at frenzycastleruns@hotmail.com with your in game name.
Want to check the status of your request to do viewer castles? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsmovrTwSMGodGVmNF9TaG1SODVhWkRBdWVodkdTSFE#gid=0
Castles done in this video:
The mighty quest for epic loot is currently in closed beta, find out more info here:
Gameplay of Xbox One games like Ryse, Forza, Ghosts and more!
Click to Subscribe! http://bit.ly/SubAustin
In this video I give a demo of some of the best Microsoft Xbox One games such as Call of Duty: Ghosts, Ryse: Son of Rome, Forza Motorsport 5 and Dead Rising 3 showing off the 1080p HD graphics of the new gaming console.
Batman Arkham Origins on the late 2013 15 inch Retina MacBook Pro (nVidia 750m)
*Can we get this video to 100 likes?* 😀
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