Minecraft Survival Island Episode 3 – برب عمر بلا هبالة

شكرا للمشاهدة 🙂

قناة عمر : http://www.youtube.com/user/MinecraftModArabia

قناة سليمان : http://www.youtube.com/user/SulaimaNxx
الاهداف :

1 – ازرع 10 شجرات **
2 – اعثر على سبونر **
3 – اصنع الصوف باستخدام خيوط العنكبوت **
4 – اصنع الصوف بكل الوانه
5 – اكتشف سر **
6 – اصنع مزرعة قمح تنتج 32 حبة **
7 – استخدم يقطين لصنع فزاعة في نص مزرعة القمح **
8 – اصنع مزرعة حبحب ( جح ) و يقطين **
9 – اصنع مزرعة اوتوماتيكبة لقصب السكر **
10 – اجمع الجزر الثلاثة بصنع جزيرة كبيرة
11 – ابني قلعة
12 – ضع اليقطين على راسك **
13 – اعد بناء السفينة بأي شكل **
14 – احصل على درع كامل من الذهب و اصنع عرش و اجلس عليه بفخر
15 – اصنع قرية صغيرة حول القلعة
16 – اصنع منطقة بمستوى السحب للقفز منها و در دورتين قبل لمس الماء **
17 – اعثر على الـ 5 حبحبات ( جحات )الغارقة **
18 – اصنع مولد للوحوش باستخدام سبونر ( سكيليتون او زومبي )
19 – اصنع مولد للحجر **
20 – اصنع رجل الحديد **
21 – اهزم التنين !!

لتحميل الماب : http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/survival-island-181/

How To Make A PVC Pump!

In this project you’ll learn how to make a customizable PVC hand pump that will create vacuum suction, pump water, or compress air.

A pre-requisite to making the pump will be 2 homemade check valves. You can learn how to make these cheap PVC check valves here:

My friend NightHawkInLight made another version of a vacuum pump. Check it out here:

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For other project videos, check out http://www.thekingofrandom.com

Social Media Links:

Google+: http://bit.ly/plusgrant
Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBTheKingOfRandom
Instagram: http://bit.ly/InstaGrant
Twitter: http://bit.ly/tweetgrant
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/pingrant
Tumblr: http://bit.ly/grantstumblr

Endcard Links:

Check Valves: http://bit.ly/OneWayCheckValve
Paper Rockets: http://bit.ly/PaperRockets
Fire Piston: http://bit.ly/SlamRodFireStarter
Spot Welder: http://bit.ly/SpotWelder

Music By: Jason Shaw (TU-ForeverBelieve)

Project Inspired By:

This is an original design, based off a picture I once found on a google image search. (I haven’t been able to find the picture since)


Power tools, like a table saw, pose risks of serious injury. Adequate training and experience are required before operating. The results and claims of this pump are based solely on my personal experiences with the one demonstrated in the video. Individual results may vary. The pump is a simple design and not made, or claimed, to be used in any heavy duty operations, or relatively high pressures. Use of this content is at your own risk.

Project History & More Info:

I’ve wanted to build a PVC water pump for awhile, but the check valves were around $10.00 each. That seemed a little steep for a PVC build, so I made my own, which you can see in a different project.

I was inspired on the pump piston and chamber by a picture I saw on a google image search by someone who used the 1-1/4″ and 1″ sizes of tubes, and he mentioned he cut the grooves for the O-rings on a table saw. That was a new idea to me and gave me the inspiration to put this together.

I’m also planning to use this piston design in future projects that require pneumatic and hydraulic pistons.

In my testing, the valves work great with air and water. I didn’t have any gauges to test the strength of the vacuum so can’t say how strong the vacuum would be, but it certainly does create one.

While there are some special tools used to create this pump (table saw and forester bit), I believe with a little creativity the pump could be made just as effectively without them, making this a simple and duplicatable design.

How To Make A PVC Pump!

In this project you’ll learn how to make a customizable PVC hand pump that will create vacuum suction, pump water, or compress air.

A pre-requisite to making the pump will be 2 homemade check valves. You can learn how to make these cheap PVC check valves here:

My friend NightHawkInLight made another version of a vacuum pump. Check it out here:

Subscribe for new videos every 5 days! http://bit.ly/TKoRSubscribe
Join my email list! http://bit.ly/TKOREmailList

For other project videos, check out http://www.thekingofrandom.com

Social Media Links:

Google+: http://bit.ly/plusgrant
Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBTheKingOfRandom
Instagram: http://bit.ly/instagrant
Twitter: http://bit.ly/tweetgrant
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/pingrant
Tumblr: http://bit.ly/grantstumblr

Endcard Links:

Check Valves: http://bit.ly/OneWayCheckValve
Paper Rockets: http://bit.ly/PaperRockets
Fire Piston: http://bit.ly/SlamRodFireStarter
Spot Welder: http://bit.ly/SpotWelder

Music By: Jason Shaw (TU-ForeverBelieve)

Project Inspired By:

This is an original design, based off a picture I once found on a google image search. (I haven’t been able to find the picture since)


Power tools, like a table saw, pose risks of serious injury. Adequate training and experience are required before operating. The results and claims of this pump are based solely on my personal experiences with the one demonstrated in the video. Individual results may vary. The pump is a simple design and not made, or claimed, to be used in any heavy duty operations, or relatively high pressures. Use of this content is at your own risk.

Project History & More Info:

I’ve wanted to build a PVC water pump for awhile, but the check valves were around $10.00 each. That seemed a little steep for a PVC build, so I made my own, which you can see in a different project.

I was inspired on the pump piston and chamber by a picture I saw on a google image search by someone who used the 1-1/4″ and 1″ sizes of tubes, and he mentioned he cut the grooves for the O-rings on a table saw. That was a new idea to me and gave me the inspiration to put this together.

I’m also planning to use this piston design in future projects that require pneumatic and hydraulic pistons.

In my testing, the valves work great with air and water. I didn’t have any gauges to test the strength of the vacuum so can’t say how strong the vacuum would be, but it certainly does create one.

While there are some special tools used to create this pump (table saw and forester bit), I believe with a little creativity the pump could be made just as effectively without them, making this a simple and duplicatable design.

2005 Honda Civic Review, Walkaround, Exhaust, & Test Drive

As a economical and simple daily driver, the 2005 Honda Civic represents one of the best choices in the used car market and will probably make a wonderful car for a first-time driver. We’d recommend looking for an EX model and sticking with the 5-speed manual but those of you who are lucky enough to find one with such a low mileage should be quite pleased with the car.

Fir4sGamer Modded Single Player : ماينكرافت سنقل بلير مودات – #16

Thank you for watching ♥ شكراً على المشاهدة
لا تنسى تقيم المقطع بلايك و فيفرت و اشتراك

► سنقل_بلير_مودات الحلقة 15#

►95حلقة ماي كرافت

► حمل هذا المشغل
►شرح المشغل

تابعوني :
● Ask.fm : http://ask.fm/iFir4sGamer •
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● Instagram : http://full.sc/1ceWSng •
● Facebook : http://full.sc/U5aprE •
● Twitter : http://full.sc/UEYOwM •

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#مسامير – صيفنا أبرد

إشترك في قناة ميركوت:

سلسلة كرتونية من انتاج ميركوت.
الحظ يبتسم أخيراً لسويكت بحضوره لفعاليات “صيفنا أبرد” الجماهيرية.

شاهد المزيد من الحلقات على الرابط التالي:

تابعنا على شبكات التواصل الإجتماعي:

فيصل العامر
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عبدالعزيز المزيني

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