Honest Trailers – Grown Ups

Keeping movies honest ► http://bit.ly/HonestTrailerSub

“Grown Ups 2” is coming out…anyone else think it looks exactly the same as the first one? Or all his other movies? What the hell happened to you Adam? If you’re gonna resort to another sequel may we suggest: Happy Gilmore?

We’ll be uploading new HONEST TRAILERS every other Tuesday!
(And ‘Supercuts / MashUps’ in between weeks)

And new episodes of the ScreenJunkies Show every Thursday!
So make sure to SUBSCRIBE!!

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Honest Trailers: GROWN UPS
Directed by Andy Signore
Executive Producer Mitch Rotter
Series Created by Andy Signore & Brett Weiner
Episode Written by Spencer Gilbert, Dan Murrell and Andy Signore
Edited by Dan Murrell

Voiceover Narration by Jon http://youtube.com/jon3pnt0

As always let us know in the comments what movie you wanna see next! And check out our previous Honest Trailers:



Honest Trailers: FAST FIVE

Honest Trailers: STAR TREK (2009)

Honest Trailers: IRON MAN 2

Honest Trailers: HARRY POTTER

Honest Trailers: JURASSIC PARK

Honest Trailers: LES MISERABLES


Honest Trailers: THE NOTEBOOK

Honest Trailers: SKYFALL


Honest Trailers: INCEPTION

Honest Trailers: THE LORD OF THE RINGS




Honest Trailers: PROMETHEUS

Honest Trailers: THE AVENGERS

Honest Trailers: THE HUNGER GAMES

Honest Trailers: THE DARK KNIGHT

Honest Trailers: AVATAR

Honest Trailers: TRANSFORMERS

Honest Trailers: TITANIC

Honest Trailers: TWILIGHT


Are you still reading this?? If so, type in the comments WHICH IS BETTER??? Shampoo or Conditioner???

Corsair Carbide Air 540 Case Unboxing & Overview

The Corsair Carbide Air 540 is focused on cooling and performance, but it actually ended up looking great too. In spite of the plastic bezel design, this is one of the best looking cases I think Corsair’s ever made.

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73-Car Burnout & Day 7 of HOT ROD Power Tour! – Chattanooga, TN to Concord, NC

Dennis Pittsenbarger spends the longest drive of Power Tour 2013 in a ’69 Camaro, winding through the Great Smoky Mountains in what is easily the most picturesque route of the Tour. As the drive nearly comes to an end, Dennis stops by Roush-Yates for a lunch stop and gets a tour of some of the company’s race products before wrapping up the Power Tour at zMAX Dragway in Concorde, North Carolina, and an attempt at the World Record for biggest burnout.

HOT ROD Power Tour is HOT ROD Magazine in action, a week-long roadtrip where readers, racers, and manufacturers hit the back roads of America to show everyone what being a car-nut is all about.

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QC#15 – Water Bottle Fire Lighter

A water bottle and sunlight are used to start a blazing fire.

See the step by step tutorial here: http://youtu.be/QwQJ-3pZfwc

See the full project video: http://bit.ly/WaterBottleFire

Next Video: Rewind Dry Ice: http://bit.ly/QCRewindDryIce
Previous Video: Levitating Glass Illusion: http://bit.ly/QCLevitatingGlass

Subscribe for new videos posted Randomly! http://bit.ly/TKoRSubscribe
Join my email list! http://bit.ly/TKOREmailList

“Quick Clips” are clips of random experiments in a minute or less.

For other project videos, check out http://www.thekingofrandom.com

Business Inquiries: For sponsorship requests or business opportunities please contact me directly: http://www.youtube.com/thekingofrandom/about

Social Media Links:

Google+: http://bit.ly/plusgrant
Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBTheKingOfRandom
Instagram: http://bit.ly/InstaGrant
Twitter: http://bit.ly/tweetgrant
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/pingrant
Tumblr: http://bit.ly/grantstumblr

Music By:
Music by Jason Shaw (RP-Clattertrap)

Project Inspired By:

An idea a co-worker gave me, suggesting her boyfriend once burned a hole in paper with a water bottle.

WARNING: Under certain conditions, an open flame can grow to an uncontrollable, blazing fire. This may result in serious injury, burns, property damage, forrest fires, grass fires, and even death. Use of video content is at own risk.

Project History & More Info:

When a co-worker heard I was experimenting with strange science concepts, she mentioned her boyfriend once burned a hole in a piece of paper with a water bottle. It sounded like a crazy idea, but I wondered if it really could work.

I tried using different parts of the water bottle to act as a “liquid lens” and focus the sunlight like a magnifying glass. The concept seemed plausible, but kind of far fetched at the same time.

With her suggestion planted in my mind, I practiced for weeks trying to get it to work. And while occasionally I’d get a puff of smoke, it was hardly anything impressive, and certainly not a fire.

I kept practicing and experimenting over a period of 3 months, and finally figured out some important factors. Like black absorbs the heat better, so focusing the sunlight on black paper makes a world of difference.

I also figured out that folding the paper over and layering it a few times helps build a little nest for the developing embers, and keeps the heat. This makes a huge difference when trying to blow the embers into a flame.

My ultimate experience is that yes, you can light a fire with a water bottle, but you need to spend a lot of time learning the art of how it works first. You can’t wait until a survival situation and just hope you can do it first try.

QC#15 – Water Bottle Fire Lighter

A water bottle and sunlight are used to start a blazing fire.

See the step by step tutorial here: http://youtu.be/QwQJ-3pZfwc

See the full project video: http://bit.ly/WaterBottleFire

Next Video: Rewind Dry Ice: http://bit.ly/QCRewindDryIce
Previous Video: Levitating Glass Illusion: http://bit.ly/QCLevitatingGlass

Subscribe for new videos every 5 days! http://bit.ly/TKoRSubscribe
Join my email list! http://bit.ly/TKOREmailList

“Quick Clips” are clips of random experiments in a minute or less.

For other project videos, check out http://www.thekingofrandom.com

Social Media Links:

Google+: http://bit.ly/plusgrant
Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBTheKingOfRandom
Instagram: http://bit.ly/InstaGrant
Twitter: http://bit.ly/tweetgrant
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/pingrant
Tumblr: http://bit.ly/grantstumblr

Music By:
Music by Jason Shaw (RP-Clattertrap)

Project Inspired By:

An idea a co-worker gave me, suggesting her boyfriend once burned a hole in paper with a water bottle.

WARNING: Under certain conditions, an open flame can grow to an uncontrollable, blazing fire. This may result in serious injury, burns, property damage, forrest fires, grass fires, and even death. Use of video content is at own risk.

Project History & More Info:

When a co-worker heard I was experimenting with strange science concepts, she mentioned her boyfriend once burned a hole in a piece of paper with a water bottle. It sounded like a crazy idea, but I wondered if it really could work.

I tried using different parts of the water bottle to act as a “liquid lens” and focus the sunlight like a magnifying glass. The concept seemed plausible, but kind of far fetched at the same time.

With her suggestion planted in my mind, I practiced for weeks trying to get it to work. And while occasionally I’d get a puff of smoke, it was hardly anything impressive, and certainly not a fire.

I kept practicing and experimenting over a period of 3 months, and finally figured out some important factors. Like black absorbs the heat better, so focusing the sunlight on black paper makes a world of difference.

I also figured out that folding the paper over and layering it a few times helps build a little nest for the developing embers, and keeps the heat. This makes a huge difference when trying to blow the embers into a flame.

My ultimate experience is that yes, you can light a fire with a water bottle, but you need to spend a lot of time learning the art of how it works first. You can’t wait until a survival situation and just hope you can do it first try.

How To Have Fun

16 gauge pump, colt .45, 12 gauge semi-automatic, .22 caliber semi-automatic finished with a balloon filled with Hydrogen and oxygen. One fine day………….Come see my other videos here!………….. http://www.youtube.com/user/carsandwater?feature=mheeSUBSCRIBE: http://full.sc/1bnslc9
FACEBOOK: http://full.sc/1dT2aaM

RHNB Vs. Watermelon – http://full.sc/1bns60F
RHNB Vs. Jello – http://full.sc/1bns0WF RHNB Vs. Elmers Glue – http://full.sc/1dT1TEM
RHNB Full Playlist – http://full.sc/1dT1WjP

-Want to send an object / material / substance to be RHNB’d or HHO’d? SEND HERE with a full credit of your donation! PO Box 21 96 Seymour St. Tonawanda NY 14150 USA

Content Patch – July 9th, 2013 – Ep. 111 [Ryan Davis passes away at 34, Nintendo WiiU, Amiga]

00:33 Ryan Davis of Giant Bomb passed away at age 34 http://bit.ly/12orY6k
07:21 Ubisoft says ZombiU is not even close to being profitable http://bit.ly/184F7Ha
13:33 Nintendo refuses to lay off staff despite profit woes http://bit.ly/1a8qVh6
15:30 Amiga Games acquired by Writers’ Group Film Corp. http://bit.ly/1defnbU
18:47 Track of the day http://bit.ly/12V7wtL

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Settlers and Turrican gameplay courtesy of www.youtube.com/user/LemonTubeAmiga

Fir4sGamer Modded Single Player : ماينكرافت سنقل بلير مودات – #5

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