iOS 6: iPad 3 Clock App REVIEW

The review of the iPad 3’s Clock app, built in iOS 6

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Homemade Rocket Fuel (R-Candy)

Today we’re doing some kitchen chemistry using common household items. This is the type of cooking that gets me excited, because I’m experimenting with recipes for solid-state rocket fuel.

[✓] Stump Remover:
[✓] White Sugar:
[✓] Digital Scale:
[✓] Corn Syrup:

Thanks to NightHawkinLight for tips and troubleshooting on getting my first rocket to launch successfully!

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Smoke Bombs:
Metal Melter:
Exploding Water:
Paper Rockets:

Music By:
Music by Jason Shaw (HeadingWest)

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This project should not be attempted without adult supervision and adequate training. Misuse, or careless use, of tools or projects may result in serious injury, death, and/or permanent damage to equipment and property. Ignition of an incendiary or explosive material may not be legal in your area. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

Project History & More Info:

This recipe calls for a 60/40 mix of KNO3 and white table sugar by weight, and I’m going to make a 100 gram batch, so I’m adding 60 grams of stump remover first, followed by 40 grams of granulated white sugar.

I’ll need some sort of container to hold this in, and I’m thinking these Mega Block Legos might work. At this point, the mixture is just runny enough that it can be coaxed into the container. It takes about 60 grams to fill this red block, and when I’ve cooked up a little more, I’ll add that to the blue one. It’s darker in color because it cooked longer, and generally speaking, I think the less it is cooked, the better.

Another batch was made using a mix of 58% Stump Remover, 29% Sugar, and this time I used 13% Corn syrup, and 30mL water. The water was cooked out the same way as the last, and then about 1 gram of homemade rust powder was added, and stirred in throughly. When it was ready, it looked like a creamy chocolate frosting, and I packed that into the green LEGO. I may have accidentally trapped an air bubble inside.

Overall I think I’m happiest with these mixtures using the rust. With a different homemade casing that actually has a nozzle, I was able to get a successful rocket launch that I think went a couple thousand feet high.

The great quotes of: The Wizard

Read Description please:
This a little series I have decided to make. I will compile what I believe to be the greatest quotes of animated cartoon characters proceeded by a clip show set to a song I feel embodies the Character,this time being The Wizard. If you have any recommendation put them in the comments below. Thank You

The great quotes of: The Shade

Read Description please:
This a little series I have decided to make. I will compile what I believe to be the greatest quotes of animated cartoon characters proceeded by a clip show set to a song I feel embodies the Character,this time being The Shade . If you have any recommendation put them in the comments below. Thank You

انبوكسنق Hd Pvr | اول لايف كمنتري جديد

*انا جديد في عالم اليوتيوب*
و حاب اكون كـمـنـتـيتر و ابيكم تدعموني و ابشروا بألي تطلبون
و الفديو القادم راح يكون عن تجربه القطعه hd pvr , و شكرا

*اسألني سوال* :

*رابط قناتي* :

* تويتر* : ____ @roroxgemz

سكايبي : roroxgemz

و شكرا لكم ^_^

iPod touch 5th Generation Unboxing (2012 iPod touch 5G)

iPod touch 5th Generation Unboxing (2012 iPod touch 5G)

In this video I do an unboxing of the new iPod touch 5th Generation 32GB in red. With a new 4″ Retina Display, thinner design and new camera the iPod touch 5G is a big improvement. It comes with the iPod touch Loop, Apple EarPods headphones, Lightning cable and of course Apple stickers.

Purchase Link: