Honest Trailers – Phantom Menace 3D

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Get Ready, World! George Lucas is about to defile your childhood for a second time … this time IN 3-D!!! And in a few more years Disney will do it all over again! #HonestTrailers

Join little Anakin Skywalker, that dude from The Grey, the bad guy from Angels and Demons, the oscar winner that talks like a robot, and one of the most annoying characters ever created for an hour and a half of semi-circles… and did we mention it’s in 3-D!!!

Honest Trailers: Phantom Menace
Created & Directed by Andy Signore & Brett Weiner
Executive Producer Mitch Rotter
Written by Brett Weiner, Andy Signore and Alex Sargant
Edited by Brett Weiner
Voiceover Narration by Ptolemy Slocum

As always let us know in the comments what movie you wanna see next!

And check out more Emmy Nominated Honest Trailers:

Deadpool (Feat. Deadpool)

Game of Thrones Vol. 1


Harry Potter

Breaking Bad

The Lord Of The Rings

Star Wars Force Awakens

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

A Very Warped Valentine’s Day

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This is a sketch we probably won’t show our parents…

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– A Very Warped Valentine’s Day –


Screenplay By Ryan Tellez

Story by Michael Adams Davis

Directed by Michael Schroeder

Cinematography by Michael Schmidt

Edited by Ryan Tellez

– The Warp Zone –

Face Unlock for iPhone: RecognizeMe 2.0

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2012 Bentley Continental GTC Cruises Croatia – Ignition Episode 3

In this episode of Ignition, Michael Febbo tests the all new 2012 Bentley Continental GTC stateside, then crosses the pond for some Old World cruising in Croatia.

Ignition appears every Monday on the new Motor Trend channel.

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