Famous Last Words Movie Mash-Up

If life were more like the movies, we’d all have a clever phrase to utter right before everything goes dark. Hell, family could even etch it on our tombstones. The characters in this famous last words mash-up from our editor Matthew Freund will always be remembered by their parting thoughts. Their final resting place is in our hearts and minds. …Except for the really evil ones.... Read More | Share it now!

Tonight’s Sky: February 2011 Highlights

Backyard stargazers get a monthly guide to the northern hemisphere’s skywatching events with “Tonight’s Sky.” In February, Orion strides across the cosmos, a famed nebula at his belt, and Saturn is visible before midnight. “Tonight’s Sky” is produced by HubbleSite.org, online home of the Hubble Space Telescope. This is a recurring show, and you can find more episodes — and other astronomy videos — at HubbleSite.org.... Read More | Share it now!