Pickled Padron Peppers in Sweet Spicy Vinegar – Pickled Peppers

Pickled Padron Peppers in Sweet Spicy Vinegar! Visit http://foodwishes.blogspot.com/2011/06/pickled-peck-of-padron-peppers-twist.html for the ingredients! Plus, more info and over 550 additional original video recipes. I hope you enjoy this Pickled Padron Peppers Recipe!

Disclaimer: Like I said in the video, this is an experiment. Try this at your own risk!

D3Live: PlayStation Vita & Wii 2

In this episode of D3Live I look at the PlayStation Vita and Wii 2.

D3Live: PlayStation Vita & Wii 2

With E3 2011 only a few days away there’s a lot of talk about brand new consoles that will be unveiled at the show. On the top of my list is the Sony PlayStation PS Vita also known as the PSP2 or NGP. While much of the information is already known about this handheld successor to the Sony PSP hopefully we will get a better look at the UI and features as well as a price and release date.

Moving on we also should have some information on the next generation Nintendo Wii known as the Wii 2. There has been a lot of leaks about the Wii 2 including specs, controllers and more.

D3Live is a weekly show I do live every Saturday at 3PM Eastern time live on BlogTV. If you are interested in asking me questions for the video or just watching the show live keep an eye out as I will post a video here on YouTube before I begin. http://www.blogtv.com/people/duncan33303