10 Most Believable Video Game Myths

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Some people get enjoyment out of dipping cookies in milk and others enjoy turning entire fandoms into a frenzy searching for hidden objects in video games.

Let’s be honest, we’ve all fallen for one of these myths. You thought Bigfoot was only a myth in real life. That is, until the GTA: San Andreas hoax. No one likes a zombie, especially not a Minecraft zombie created by CREEPYPASTA. The 17th Colossus was supposed to be a thing, but then game developers ran out of money or got lazy. All we know is it didn’t happen. For the last time, you can’t acquire Ashbringer in World of Warcraft, but you could obtain Corrupted Ashbringer if you really wanted the pity weapon thrown to you.

If you like games that will most likely brainwash you for all of eternity then try your hand at Polybius. The Madden Curse is something most fans wanted to stay far, far away from. If you thought Pong was the first game created, then you would have been sorely mistaken. Who didn’t love Duck Hunt? Sure, it’s a bit of an 8-bit nostalgic thing but there was a time when we all wanted to get along and take down that obnoxious Duck Hunt dog. If you played Super Mario 64 and didn’t think you would be the first person to unlock the secret to get to play as Luigi, then you did not live in the 1990’s. You also don’t understand how many children suffered psychological damage from our dreams being crushed.

What other game made you wait eight years to get both Mario brothers as playable characters? No Nintendo, you’re not evil at all. Also, if you didn’t fall victim to the triforce hoax than are you really part of the Zelda fandom?

You’re going to have to do some real soul-searching now, aren’t you? We hope you’ll take a ride on rainbow road (if that’s really the level’s name) and discover 10 video game myths that most people believe!

Script by: Jen Weddle

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Kyle Mirzaian

The Triforce Was Obtainable | 0:29
Collect All The Stars For Luigi In Super Mario 64 | 1:37
Dug Hunt Dog Could Be Killed | 2:46
Pong Was The First Video Game | 3:47
The Madden Curse | 4:57
Polybius Brainwashed Players | 6:00
Ashbringer In World Of Warcraft | 7:09
17th Colossus In Shadow Of The Colossus | 8:19
Minecraft Zombie | 9:21
Bigfoot In GTA: San Andreas | 10:25

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