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How much time did you spend searching for Luigi in Super Mario 64? 10 Lies You Were Told About Nintendo Games! Subscribe now to TheGamer!
People have been obsessed over Nintendo games for decades. Whether it was Zelda, Mario, or Pokemon, people love to hear stories, rumors, and anticipate the next big game release. Through the years, a number of those stories have ended up being lies or things that just were not true. For example, people have been waiting a long time to see the Legend of Zelda get adapted into a live-action movie or TV series. News broke of a Netflix series release, but that quickly proved to be false as Nintendo decided to focus on classic gaming instead. Super Mario 3 was a hugely anticipated game for players, but many became frustrated when they couldn’t access a level that featured on the gaming box!
Everyone loves the rosters available in the Super Smash Bros. games, but release of Melee showcased a couple of open slots that players assumed were for hidden characters like Toad or Sonic the Hedgehog. Along with the release of the Nintendo 64, many players expected to get the add-on console known as the 64DD. People spent hours playing Super Mario 64, not just to beat the game, but to try and unlock Luigi. Something that never happened. Super Smash Bros. DLC was announced multiple times, but players didn’t actually get the characters that they intended. For months, hype surrounding The Legend of Zelda: Twilght Princess showcased a magic meter that never ended up appearing in the game. Other lies include Mew hidden under a truck in Pokemon, an unreleased Mario game that was showcased, and a secret chocolate level in the original Super Mario Bros.