10 CREEPY Pokemon Theories That Are More TRUE Than You Think

10 CRAZY Pokemon Theories That Might Actually Be True

These are our 10 CRAZY Pokemon Theories That Might Actually Be True. Do you have a favorite pokemon theory? Let us know in the comments down below.

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waNT moRe CREepY tHEorY ViDeOS?

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Pokemon has done something few video game franchises have been able to accomplish. They have bridged the generation gap where parents are teaching their kids about the wonderful world of Pokemon. The initial releases of Pokémon Red and Blue not only sold millions of copies, but helped fuel the creation of the anime, movies, trading cards, and more. Pikachu has not only become the face of Pokémon but is a cultural icon as recognizable as Disney’s Mickey Mouse. When a franchise or property grows to be the size of what Pokémon has become, it’s bound to create communities of theory crafters and fan fiction creators. Considering there’s such a wide pool of media to choose from, it’s no surprise countless numbers of theories and threads pop-up on a frequent basis. Pokémon was initially created to spark wonder and adventure in children, but as those children grow up, they tend to look for deeper meaning in many aspects of Pokémon.

Sifting through these theories, it’s easy to see some of them are rooted in a ton of fact and correlation. There are even a couple of theories that are nothing more than a dreamer’s dream. Here are just a few of the hundreds of theories on Pokemon. Some of them are dark, some of them are possible, and some of them can be downright weird. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow our page. You can also subscribe to us on Youtube and check out our playlist to see more engaging videos on the games you love.

Script by: Zack Latino

Voice Over by: Cody Flesher

Edited by: Kyle Anderson

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