4 ½ Chef Hacks!

Mini-fridge left the studio again this week and ended up in Ben’s kitchen at home… where Ben shared his tips with Mike. How to save time in the kitchen, avoid wastage and pimp up the most basic of dishes.

Want to see more of Ben’s flat, then check out this playlist from last spring: http://bit.ly/18XuoDS

Also this week:
Acrobatic Tumbling with Doug Fordyce: http://bit.ly/1C4lZpf
Tea Poached Fruit: http://bit.ly/1KsgGGK
Bacon & Artichoke Linguine: http://bit.ly/1DPw384
London Nightlife: Food Markets: http://bit.ly/1LYDkrT

HUNGRY FOR MORE? Share your own recipes and photos of your cooking triumphs (and disasters) at http://sortedfood.com or get the app here: http://bit.ly/SortedYT