Top 10 Smartest Celebrities

They’re internationally famous faces, with incredibly brilliant brains! Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Smartest Celebrities! Subscribe►►… Facebook►► Twitter►► Instagram►► Suggestion Tool►► Channel Page►► Read More | Share it now!

نجم مصرى كوميدى مشهور أصيب بجلطة بالدماغ أقعدته مشلولا لمدة 9 سنوات…ادعوا له بالشفاء

إضغط هنا لترى أحمد زكي وزواجه ومعاناته مع المرض وإصابته بالعمى وشائعات طاردته

إضغط هنا لترى المهن الحقيقية لأكثر من 40 فنان وفنانة عرببة قبل الشهرة…بعضهم سيصدمكم

إضغط هنا لترى أسوأ شخصيات عرفتها البشرية…برأيكم من أكثرهم إجرام

إضغط هنا لترى صابرين وأزواجها وأولادها وحقيقة خلعها الحجاب ومشكلتها مع الباروكة والعدسات

إضغط هنا لترى فنانة مصرية مشهورة تزوجت 12 مرة وإعتزلت وتحجبت وتعرف على والدتها
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“He Saved My Life:” American Soldier Returns to Help Iraqi Captain Fleeing ISIS

If someone saved your life during a war, would you go back into a danger zone many years later to help that man? The Captain, an Iraqi army officer who fought in the Iraq War alongside American forces, is now in refugee limbo. He fled his home country out of concern for his family’s safety amid the spread of ISIS, but he’s unable to get U.N. refugee status. U.S. Iraq War veteran Chase Millsap, who credits this man for saving his life during the war, heads to the Captain’s current home in a dangerous part of Turkey. Both call each other “brother.” See why they have this bond and follow along as they try to speed up the refugee process and seek emergency financial support. For more information about the organization, which Millsap helped form along with other U.S. veterans to help U.S.-allied soldiers seeking resettlement, visit Read More | Share it now!